His Eminence Metropolitan SABA Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America         His Grace Bishop Alexander

Pastor: Fr John Vazquez| fatherjohnvazquez@gmail.com | stgeorgealbany.org | 1 St George's Pl Albany

Office Hours: Mon/Fri 10am-5pm/Confessions: After weekly services or by appointment

Parish Council Leadership: Chair—Michella Rizk, Treasurer—Ranya Palmer, Secretary—Daniel Palmer, Vice Chair—Linda Grady



This week Watch this video on quieting our hearts from Fr Roman Braga—a priest who suffered for his faith in Romania during communism. 

with love in Christ,

Fr John

We will be hosting Dr Michael Legaspi from St Vladimir's Seminary the weekend of March 22nd and 23rd. He will lead us through a couple sessions on the Book of Job and the Cross on Saturday beginning at 4pm as well as deliver the talk for the Lenten Vespers that we will Host on the 23rd. Register HERE

*The lenten season is a time where we all should make a confession as part of our repentance. Be in touch with me to schedule an appointment. Confession is a practice that typically begins around the age of 7 and signals a deeper participation in the life of the Church as it is one of the Mysteries that brings the Grace of God into our lives for healing. 

St George Hafli—Friday, April 25 7pm—Franklin Terrace Ballrom, Troy, NY—Purchase a Ticket or an Ad HERE


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