His Eminence Metropolitan SABA Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America, His Grace Bishop Alexander
Pastor: Fr John Vazquez| fatherjohnvazquez@gmail.com | stgeorgealbany.org | 1 St George's Pl Albany, NY
Office Hours: Mon/Fri 10am-5pm | Confessions: After weekly services (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun) or by appointment
Parish Council Leadership: Chair—Michella Rizk, Treasurer—Ranya Palmer, Secretary—Daniel Palmer, Vice Chair—Linda Grady
Wednesday, February 26th—8am—Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, February 26th—6pm—Paraklesis of St George
Friday, February 28th—8am—Orthros
Friday, February 28th—3:00pm—Guilderland Bible Study at Melody Holman's
Saturday, March 1st—11am-5pm—Diocesan Winter Teen Retreat @ St Elias Syracuse (499 Onondaga Rd. Syracuse, NY) NO VESPERS
Sunday, March 2nd—9am—Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy—Forgiveness Vespers to Follow—First Confession for Sunday School Children ages 7 and up
Sunday, March 2nd—5pm—Sunday Lenten Vespers @ St George in Schenectady (107 Clinton St)
Saturday, March 22nd and 23rd—We will be hosting Dr Michael Legaspi and the Sunday Lenten Vespers for the Capital Region. Dr Michael is an Old Testament Professor at St Vladimir's Seminary and will speak Saturday evening and Sundayevening at the Vespers service.
Our parish Hafli is coming up in April and we will be preparing an add book. Please consider taking out an add. Be in touch with Marie Barbera, Michella Rizk or Fr John for details.
This week we hear from St Porphyrios on the importance of turning to God and His Church in time of need and how to overcome division in the Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDPCLl4nF8M
with love in Christ,
Fr John