Pastor: Fr John Vazquez | (518) 462-0579 |


Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!

This week I went to pray at and bless the graves of some of the departed from our community of St George and there were a couple of deaths (not in our community of St George) in the community of Orthodox Christians in this Albany area. One woman was 94 years old, had lived a long life and died in her sleep another gentleman was only in his 40s and passed suddenly leaving a wife and three children… 

No matter when we encounter death it is always hard. It is so difficult to be separated from our loved ones. This week we remember and commemorate the Myrrh-Bearing Women—those women who went to the tomb our Lord thinking that they would anoint Him after His burial only to receive the most astonishing news that has ever been delivered—HE IS RISEN. HE IS NOT HERE…Our Lord has defeated death. Death could not hold Him and yet…we still die…our loved ones still die…there is still war…what are we to make of this as Christians? 

It is true that there is still death but now when we enter the tomb like the Myrrh-bearing women (Mk 16.5) following Jesus into the tomb—our own tomb, the tomb of this life, the tomb of depression, the tomb of despair, the tomb of sadness—we are greeted with the good news that HE IS RISEN and HE IS NOT HERE. In other words, death is not the end, it is not the last word, it is not final when we follow Jesus into the tomb. 

May we follow Him beloved…

With love in our risen Lord,

Fr John

P.S.—Please remember Jeanine Shahin and Ken Ruff in your prayers. Ken was the primary breadwinner for his family and a member at our sister parish of Christ the Savior in Ballston Lake, so in addition to the shock and grief to his wife and three children, his death also presents a significant financial difficulty on top of funeral expenses.

Several avenues of support have been set up, please consider helping as able if you are so moved.
Meal Train
-Or checks written to Christ the Savior Church ( 349 Eastline Rd. Ballston Lake, NY 12019) with the memo "Ruff Family"

Services and Events

Friday, May 17th—9am—Paraklesis Service of St George

Saturday, May 18th—5pm—Great Vespers followed by Bible Study 

Sunday, May 19th—9am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy POTLUCK Lunch to celebrate our Patron St George

Tuesday, May 21st—8am—Coffee with the Fathers

Wednesday, May 22nd—8am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy for Basilios of Comana

Friday, May 24th—9am—Paraklesis Service of St George

Saturday, May 25th—10am–6pm—Teen Retreat St George and Thatcher State Park Great Vespers @ 5PM followed by Bible Study

Sunday, May 26th—9am—Orthros and Divine Liturgy 

Church Calendar


But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2 Pet 3.18

Read Metropolitan Saba's weekly teaching HERE

Get some caffeine for the soul with Coffee with the Fathers on Tuesday mornings at 8am at Uncommon Grounds—1235 Western Ave. We are discussing On Pascha by Melito of Sardis. 

Study the Scriptures with us—Bible Study Saturday evenings at 6pm after vespers. We are working through the Gospel of Matthew (YOU CAN NOW ATTEND VIA ZOOM—CLICK HERE)

Click HERE for some resources for learning about our Faith

Click HERE for a great article on advice for mothers. 

Click HERE for some resources for learning about Holy Pascha!

Our Archdiocese is hosting a conference on Christian Education June 6–9. This is a great opportunity to learn about education from an Orthodox Christian lens. The speakers will be outstanding and the opportunity to network, learn and grow with other educators will be wonderful. If you are interested in registering for the event click HERE

Internships for young adults, June and/or July: Men ages 18-35 can apply now to live and work at The Monastery of Our Lady and St. Laurence in Colorado, even if they're not considering a monastic vocation. Starting this Friday, young men and women can apply for internships that will teach servant leadership in Alaska, Puerto Rico and Texas for the 2024-25 school year.

Orthodox Young Professionals Conference, July 25-28: In Anaheim, Calif., attendees will have opportunities for spiritual growth, and build future friendships and lasting memories. Be one of the first fifty people to register and earn a discount! (Please also share the attached flier.)


Did You Know...that Christ is Risen!...and...

*Sunday May 19th we will have a lunch to celebrate or Patron St George. Bring a yummy dish to share.

*May 25th we will have a teen retreat! This will include time at the church in the morning, ROPES COURSE at Thatcher State Park in the afternoon and vespers in the evening. Cost is $50. Have your teens come and join us!

*The Parish Life Conference is in Montreal this summer (July 4–7). Find out more here:

Parish Prayer List

"Remember Me O Lord When You Come Into Your Kingdom." Lk 23.42

Please include in your daily prayers the following. Contact me to have someone added to the list. These are the names that will be remembered during the Divine Liturgy.


Bishop Alexander, Fr Gregory Potter, Fr Andrew, Fr Pat, Fr Joseph, Fr Chrysostom, Fr Peter and Matushka Sophia,  Dn Jorge, Dn Horia,The Shahin Family, The Ruff Family, Will, Yaccoub,  Diane, Leila, Helen, Lucy, Camile, Marsha, Rana, Caroline, Jessica, Irenei, Frederick, Cathie, Ugyen, Tshering, Tenzin, Mary, Georgette, Presbytera Marina, Hassib, Alex, Raymond, Andrew, George, Elizabeth, Elena Marie

All those suffering from illness, violence and want in this country and throughout the world and especially those in Ukraine Gaza and the middle east


Fr Gregory DesMarais, Fr Alvian, Jeninne, Ken, those who have lost their lives and who have no one to pray for them, those who have passed in the conflict in Ukraine and the middle east.

Why do we pray for the dead?

Divine Liturgy Variables for Sunday, May 19, 2024; Tone 2 / Eothinon 4 

Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women and Pious Joseph of Arimathaea & Righteous Nicodemus

Priest: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death; and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

  • The Choir then sings this twice, and the Liturgy continues with the Great Litany.


Shout with joy to God, all the earth; sing to His Name, give glory to His praises.

Refrain: Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us.

Say to God: How awesome are Thy works; let all the earth worship Thee, and sing to Thee. Let it sing a song to Thy Name, O Most High. (Refrain)

Glory… Both now… (Refrain)


May God have mercy upon us, and bless us, and may He cause His face to shine upon us, and have mercy upon us.

Refrain: Save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead; who sing to Thee. Alleluia.

That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy salvation among all nations; let the peoples give thanks to Thee, O God, let all the peoples give thanks to Thee. (Refrain)

May God bless us, and may all the ends of the earth fear Him. (Refrain)

Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God…


Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Him flee from before His face.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death; and upon those in the tombs, bestowing life!

As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish; as wax melteth before the fire. (Refrain)

So let sinners perish at the presence of God, and let the righteous be glad. (Refrain)

This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad therein. (Refrain)

  •  After the verses of the Third Antiphon, chant the following:


In the gathering places bless God the Lord, from the springs of Israel. Save us, O Son of God, Who art risen from the dead, who sing to Thee: Alleluia.

  •  After the Little Entrance (Eisodos), sing these hymns in the following order.


When Thou didst submit Thyself unto death, O Thou deathless and immortal One, then Thou didst destroy hell with Thy Godly power. And when Thou didst raise the dead from beneath the earth, all the powers of Heaven did cry aloud unto Thee: O Christ, Thou giver of life, glory to Thee.


The noble Joseph, taking Thine immaculate Body down from the Tree, and having wrapped It in pure linen and spices, laid It for burial in a new tomb. But on the third day Thou didst arise, O Lord, granting to the world Great Mercy.


Unto the myrrh-bearing women did the Angel cry out as he stood by the grave: Myrrh-oils are meet for the dead, but Christ hath proved to be a stranger to corruption. But cry out: The Lord is risen, granting to the world Great Mercy.


Liberator of Captives defender of the poor. Healer of the infirm champion of kings. Victorious Great Martyr George intercede with Christ our God for our souls salvation. 

The KONTAKION of pascha in Tone EIGHT

Though Thou didst descend into the grave, O Immortal One, yet didst Thou destroy the power of     Hades, and didst arise as victor, O Christ God, calling to the myrrh-bearing women, Rejoice, and giving peace unto Thine Apostles, O Thou Who dost grant resurrection to the fallen.


The Lord is my strength and my song. With chastisement has the Lord chastened me.

The Reading from the Acts of the Holy Apostles. (6:1-7)

In those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, the Hellenists murmured against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministry. And the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said: “It is not right that we should forsake the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brethren, pick out from among you seven men of good report, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this duty. And we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” And the saying pleased the whole multitude, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Próchoros, and Nikánor, and Tímon, and Parmenás, and Nikólaos a proselyte of Antioch. These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands upon them. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly, and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.


The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark. (15:43-16:8)

At that time, Joseph of Arimathaea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the Kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. And Pilate wondered if He were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether Jesus was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that He was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. And he bought a linen shroud, and taking Him down, wrapped Him in the linen shroud, and laid Him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where He was laid. And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb at the rising of the sun. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back – it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a long white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, “Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He is risen; He is not here; see the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told you.” And they went out quickly and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.


The Angel cried unto her that is full of grace: O pure Virgin, rejoice, and again I say, rejoice; for thy Son hath arisen from the grave on the third day.

Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord hath arisen upon thee; dance now and be glad, O Zion, and do thou exult, O pure Theotokos, in the arising of Him Whom thou didst bear.


Receive ye the body of Christ; taste ye the Fountain of immortality.

  • Instead of “We have seen the true light,” sing “Christ is Risen” once.

Parish Giving Summary—Fiscal Year 2023/24

Help us Meet our Goal of $120,000 for the Year

Sunday Giving for week of May 12th—$1227.10

Online Giving for week of May 12th—$200

Total Giving for fiscal year to date (October 23–September 24)—$64,059

Families who have contributed for fiscal year to date (October 23–September 24)—67

Families who have contributed over $5,000 for fiscal year to date (October 23–September 24)—3

Families who have contributed over $1,000 for fiscal year to date (October 23–September 24)—15

Check out our parish financial report by clicking HERE.

*You can set up a recurring monthly donation to the Church by clicking HERE 

Give to St. George

A Note to our Visitors


We are blessed by your presence! Join us for fellowship after. Please note, in the Orthodox Church only baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians who have properly prepared can partake of the Holy Eucharist. All others may come forward for a blessing with the chalice held over their head and receive a piece of blessed bread from the altar servers.

From a Father of the Church

Cyril of Alexandria on the Myrrh-Bearing Women

The women having been taught the mystery by the voice of angels, run to tell these things to the disciples. For it was fitting that this grace, though so splendid, should be granted to women. For she who of old was the minister of death is now freed from her guilt by ministering to the voice of the holy angels, and by being the first both to learn and tell the venerable mystery of the resurrection. The female sex therefore gained both acquittal from their reproach and the reversal of their curse. For He Who of old had said to them, "In pains shall you bear children," gave them deliverance from their misfortune, by having met them in the garden, as another Evangelist mentions, and said, "Rejoice." To the holy apostles however the account of the resurrection seemed absolutely but an idle tale, and falsehood; for even they did not know the inspired Scripture, and so they were incredulous, and mocked at the news and rejected it.

Why should I care about the church fathers?