His Eminence Metropolitan SABA Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America, His Grace Bishop Alexander

Pastor: Fr John Vazquez| fatherjohnvazquez@gmail.com | stgeorgealbany.org | 1 St George's Pl Albany, NY

Office Hours: Mon/Fri 10am-5pm | Confessions: After weekly services (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun) or by appointment

Parish Council Leadership: Chair—Michella Rizk, Treasurer—Ranya Palmer, Secretary—Daniel Palmer, Vice Chair—Linda Grady


Due to the weather forecast this coming weekend we will reschedule the Chili Cook-off for February 23rd. I don't want my chili to win the cook-off without having as many people there to witness it as possible :) 
We will still plan to have liturgy on Sunday morning but please use your discretion when it comes to trekking out into the weather.
with love in Christ, 

Fr John